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Trailer Tandem Axle Leaf Spring Hanger Kit for 2 in Wide Hook Slipper Springs

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Trailer Tandem Axle Leaf Spring Hanger Kit for 2 in Wide Hook Slipper Springs
Price: $137.76
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This tandem axle leaf spring hanger kit contains all of the brackets and hardware needed to refit your heavy-duty tandem axle slipper spring trailer. This Kit is made for 2-inch wide Hook Slipper Style Trailer Leaf Springs, typically used on heavy-duty axles, but can be used for any axle that uses 2-inch wide slipper springs. This Complete Kit contains everything needed to replace every hanger on a Tandem Axle Setup which uses 4 of those Hook Style Slip Springs. The Kit comes with 2 Front Hangers, 2 Center Hangers, 2 Rear Hangers, 2 Equalizer Bars, 2 Equalizer Bar Mounting Bolts, and 4 Leaf Spring Mounting Bolts.

You will need to weld the spring hangers to your trailer frame, and they can be painted after installation to match the trailer and help prevent corrosion.  The Leaf Spring Mounting Bolts are 9/16" diameter. Everything you need to re-do your trailer's tandem axle slipper hangers is included right out of the box!

Hanger Measurements (Measured from center of the bolt hole to the top of the hanger)
Front Hangers: 3 3/4"
Rear Hangers: 5 1/8"
Center Hangers: 3 3/8"

Equalizer Bar Measurements
Equalizer Bar: 12 inches long
7/8" Diameter Holt for installing to the Center Hanger
9/16" Diameter Holes for the Leaf Spring Bolts

Hardware Measurements
9/16" x 3 1/2" Spring Bolts and Locknuts
7/8" x 4 5/16" Equalizer Bolts with Castle nuts and Cotter Pins

-Tandem Axle Kit, includes hangers for 4 Leaf Springs
-Hangers fit 2" Wide Leaf Springs
-Includes all Hangers, EQ Bars, Mounting Bolts
 -Weld On application

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